Road Trip!
Ever since we were gifted a popup trailer last year for our wedding, we've been wanting to take a proper road trip with it. Our popup, Adeline, has taken us in style to a music festival and a destination wedding, but we'd been wanting to travel with her for pure camping pleasure, with no stimulating social events driving the experience. Of all the destinations we discussed, the one we kept circling around was to drive up into Northern California and see as much of the coastline as possible. Thanks to the handy folks over at Roadtrippers, we plotted out our journey and spent the last few months prepping for it in so many ways.
Adeline, while road-worthy as a glorified tent when we took ownership, will require some fundamental repairs and replacements to bring her to her fully realized state. We didn't quite get everything done that we wanted for this trip, but got a good start. New flooring, cabinets painted, and a slew of other behind-the-scenes fixes took place. The moment is upon us - we have begun!
Our first night was a shortened one for us, given how long the days leading up to our departure were. 12 hour work days blended with late night packing & assembling sessions, so by the time we hit the road (four hours behind schedule) we were barely able to stay awake for the drive. Thankfully the plan has been to never have to drive more than 3-4 hours per day (and some places we'll stay more than one night) so when we arrived to our first stop in Morro Bay, we had enough sunlight to set up the popup - but decided to "rough it" and forego setting anything else up. I took a brief break from setting up to run to the shore in hopes of catching the sunset - and missed it by mere minutes.
(shot taken with phone camera - not enough time to grab the "big" camera)
Dinner was a simple chickpea & spinach stew, cooked inside the trailer as it was rather windy outside. I don't think we'll be cooking actual food in the trailer again unless it rains - the smell of onions lingered into this morning!
Sleep was luxurious after the manic pace of the last few days at home, and when I awoke at 6am (as per usual), I felt rested. The bed was cozy warm, but the shoreline beckoned - if I had to miss the sunset here, I was bound and determined to catch the sunrise and see what it did against the main feature of this beach - Morro Rock.
I donned a few layers and broke out the "big" camera and found my way out to the beach from the campground, as my camping neighbors started building their morning fires. The smell of wood burning was a nice detail to the crisp air of the morning. I was not disappointed by the view, and set up to take shots of the sunrise on the rock. I'm pretty happy with the results.
I've started an album over on Flickr that will be my repository for all shots that make the cut from this trip. Come check em out - hope you like them!