It happens to the best of us, those of us who labor to maintain a personal website: with so many social media outlets around, sometimes the personal blog is the last to receive some love. I used to have plugins here that would automatically repost my posts to whatever site I wanted - but then I started using sites that either don't play well with repost plugins, or I simply didn't want to have the same exact content on each site. And so here we are.
In my life as a photographer, things have become very complex in terms of how I share my work these days - but I'm not complaining. After many years of not using
Instagram the way many do, I am now happily working on building up my image library over there. (Having a pretty good
smartphone camera has made a huge difference) Most of the shots I post there are ones I've taken with my phone and processed with
Snapseed right on the phone, before I even make it home to my trusty setup with
Lightroom and color-calibrated monitors. It's a great community, one I'm still getting acquainted with.

Then there's
Flickr, the granddaddy of them all. I've been a Pro user of Flickr since 2004, and while the volume of interaction has sometimes waned, I still enjoy my connections to the photographers I follow over there, and have even picked up some pretty cool
endorsements from photographers I respect. As long as it sticks around, I'll keep using it.
Facebook has also given me much enjoyment and exposure - admittedly, mostly to my friends, but some folks knew me without realizing how much of a big deal photography is my life, so it's always a pleasure to post up shots or albums there and see who responds.
I've just begun playing around with offering merchandise with my work, such as at
Society6 - mugs, rugs, pillows, and the like. It's gotten me to think about what images work best in these environments and has given me a different kind of focus for some of my subjects.
All this to say - my exposure is plentiful and diverse, and I don't always get around to posting every single shot or album here in a timely manner, so if you're reading this (and bless you if you are, I realize I don't get nearly as much traffic here as I do elsewhere, so thank you for being here), I hope you are also able to find me on these other places, if you frequent them.
A sampling of some of my favorite shots posted here and there:

A bitterly cold but memorable sunset on New Year's Day 2016.