Start From Scratch
Moontribe's 14-year anniversary gathering in the Owens Valley. Psy-chill, eclectic chill and ending with ambient. My first mix made with Ableton Live.
Hector Zazou - Into Your Dreams
Cell - The Gate
Dark Side of the Moog - Psychedelic Brunch Part V
Akasha Project - Cosmic Garden (Earthly Year Solar Day)
The Flashbulb - Addict Swelling
Jon Hopkins - Sleepwalker
Xerxes - Pirayana
Patio - Sofa Bunk Bed
The Flashbulb - Parkways
Pitch Black - Empty Spaces Missing Units (Module's Happy Machine Mix)
The Sushi Club - Mujo
Makyo - Soar Angelic
Cell - Brother
Ooze - Quintessence
Solar Fields - Air Song
Harold Budd & Hector Zazou - And Then She Stepped Aside
I played this set at sunset during